History of World Champion Title Holders

We celebrate our many athletes and teams from around the world for their accomplishment at the annual World Firefighter Challenge Championship title event.
(Note: a priority on maintaining historical data for our sport began in 2023 when the First Responder Institute took over operations. Prior year results from 2003-2019 can be found under our Event Results menu option)
2024 Season
Individual Category Results
Overall Male: Brian Riebe, St Lucie County (FL) Fire District
Overall Female: Katherine Ross, Brampton (ON) Fire
Division 1: Male Under Age 40: Brian Riebe, St Lucie County (FL) Fire District
Division 1: Female Under Age 40: Katherine Ross, Brampton (ON) Fire
Division 2: Male Under Age 40: Trevor Russell, Ajax (ON) Fire and Emergency Services
Division 2: Female Under Age 40: Kayla Gammie, St Lucie County (FL) Fire District
Division 3: Male Under Age 40: Sean Smith, Palm Beach County (FL) Fire Rescue
Division 3: Female Under Age 40: Dria Brown, Nimishillen Township (OH) Fire Department
Division 1: Male Age 40-44: Aleksandr Baran, State Emergency Service of Ukraine
Division 1: Female Age 40-44: May Tommervold Vestfold, Interkommunale Brannvesen IKS
Division 1: Male Aage 45-49: Graham Mackenzie, Kamloops (BC) Fire Rescue
Division 1: Female Age 45-49: Jacqueline Belluomini, Las Vegas (NV) Fire & Rescue
Division 1: Male Age 50-54: Chris Duncan, Corinth (MS) Fire Department
Division 1: Female Age 50-54: Lindsey Ingram, Winnipeg (MB) Fire Department
Division 1: Male Age 55-59: David Bowman, Charlotte (NC) Fire Department
Division 1: Male Age 60-64: Kevin Voyles, Idaho (ID) National Lab
Division 1: Male Age 65-69: Stephen Mcaleer, Doaktown (NB) Fire Department
Top Fire Chief: Randy Kalan, Thames Centre (ON) Fire Department
Fire Department Showdown Category Results
FD Showdown: All Male: Lukas Leonavicius, Gintautas Samauskis, and Romualdas Vilimas: Team: Fire and Rescue Department of Lithuania
FD Showdown: All Female: Oksana Chehmestrenko, Svitlana Marusenko, and Maria Lebedynska: Team: State Emergency Service of Ukraine
FD Showdown: Coed: Andrius Asmontas, Dovile Gideikaite, and Marius Gasparenas: Team: Fire and Rescue Department of Lithuania
Tandem Team Category Results
Tandem Team: Male Under Age 40: Ihor Polishchuk and Roman Sylchuk: Team: Together
Tandem Team: Female Under Age 40: Jodi Reymer and Maria Lebedynska: Team: Sunflower Sisters
Tandem Team: Coed Under Age 40: Taylor Ward and Jake Lanier: Team: Dream Team
Tandem Team: Male Age 40-44: Mackenzie Briggs and Alexander Baran: Team: Friends The One with the Over 40s
Tandem Team: Female Age 40-44: Jacqueline Belluomini and Carla Morrison: Team: Old Enough to Know Better
Tandem Team: Coed Age 40-49: Matt Baca and Jacqueline Belluomini: Team: Vegas Unicorn & Her Misfit
Tandem Team: Male Age 45-49: Shane Farmer and Todd Krukow: Team: Iowa Born
Tandem Team: Male Age 50-54: George Bridges and Tom Clasen: Team: Waukegan Over 50
Tandem Team: Male Age 55-59: Michael Cascioli and Dean Morrow: Team: Cash and Deano
Tandem Team: Female Age 50-59: Lindsey Ingram and Cheri Ardoin: Team: The Gator and The Bison
Tandem Team: Coed Age 50-59: Kerry Gardner and Lindsey Ingram: Team: Wheatking Whezzers
Tandem Team: Male Age 60-64: Steve Kotch and Tommie Osborn: Team: ArkFlo
Tandem Team: Male Age 65-69: Tom Reid and Stephen McAleer: Team: Old Men Rock
Tandem Team: Coed Age 60-69: Joe Arico and Lianne McAuley: Team: Old Glory and Maple Syrup
Relay Team Category Results
FD Relay Team: Male Under Age 40: Aleksandr Baran, Roman Sylchuk, Ilya Golubev, Max Bereznuk, and Ihor Polishchuk: Team: Ukraine Men
FD Relay Team: Female Under Age 40: Svitlana Marusenko, Oksana Chehmestrenko, and Maria Lebedynska: Team: Team Ukraine
FD Relay Team: Coed Under Age 40: Roman Sylchuk, Oksana Chehmestrenko, Maria Lebedynska, Aleksandr Baran, and Ihor Polishchuk: Team: Ukraine Coed
Hybrid Relay Team: Male Under Age 40: Jake Lanier, Brenden Ward, Andrew Cook, Luke Stewart, and Brian Riebe: Team: Southeast Lions
Hybrid Relay Team: Female Under Age 40: Oksana Chehmestrenko, Dovile Gideikaite, Maria Lebedynska, Svitlana Marusenko, and Justyna Cichocka: Team: Power and Hot
Hybrid Relay Team: Coed Under Age 40: Beata Świderska, Jodi Reymer, Patrik Štefelin, Rafał Bereza, and Mateusz Delinger: Team: Dragon Team
FD Relay Team: Male Age 40-49: Thomas Clasen, George Bridges, Nate Skewes, and Mike Cook: Team: Waukegan (IL) Over 40
Hybrid Relay Team: Male Age 40-49: Justin Baker, Aaron Piering, Mackenzie Briggs, and Jonathan Betts: Team: Troublemakers Round 2
Hybrid Relay Team: Female Age 40-49: Sue Capper, Regina Bartkute, and Jacqueline Belluomini: Team: Hot Flash Dash
Hybrid Relay Team: Coed Age 40-49: Regina Bartkute, May Tommervold, Martin Erbe, Sebastjan Vovko, and Aleksander Baran: Team: The Wolf Pack
Hybrid Relay Team: Male Age 50-59: Dean Morrow, Stéphane Deschênes, Michael Cascioli, Brad Johnston and Greg King: Team: Northern Immortals
Hybrid Relay Team: Female Age 50-59: Lianne McAuley, Tina Duncan, Lindsey Ingram, and Diane Salter: Team: Creakie Canucks
Hybrid Relay Team: Coed Age 50-59: Rebea Sonnenberg, Tina Duncan, Kevin Duncan, Uwe Schlonsak, and Helge Sonnenberg: Team: Transatlantic Flame Keepers
Hybrid Relay Team: Male Age 60-69: Jimmy Rogers, Rick Portilloz, Kenny Ward, Richard Lesniewski, and Brad Duncan: Team: Sadler’s Legacy
2023 Season
Individual Category Results
Overall Male: Rafal Bereza, Km psp Chelm
Overall Female: Katherine Ross, Brampton (Ontario, CA) Fire Department
Under Age 40 Male: Rafal Bereza, Km psp Chelm
Under Age 40 Female: Katherine Ross, Brampton (Ontario, CA) Fire Department
Age 40-44 Male: Aleksandr Baran, Team Ukraine
Age 40-44 Female: May Tommervold, Vestfold
Age 45-49 Male: Matt Hansen, Westfield (IN) Fire
Age 45-49 Female: Jacqueline Belluomini, Las Vegas (NV) Fire & Rescue
Age 50-54 Male: Tom Clasen, Waukegan (IL) Fire
Age 50-54 Female: Lindsey Ingram, Winnipeg Fire
Age 55-59 Male: David Bowman, Charlotte (NC) Fire Department
Age 60-64 Male: Alan Ertzner, Omaha (NE) Fire Department
Age 65-69 Male: Stephen Mcaleer, Doaktown Fire
Top Fire Chief: Oliver Nopper, Feuerwehr Cottbus
Fire Department Showdown Team Category Results
FD Showdown: All Male: Lukas Leonavicius, Jaroslav Višnevski, and Rokas Lindenis: Team: Fire and Rescue Department of Lithuania
FD Showdown: All Female: Sarah McGill, Macy Hensley, and Chelsie Brown: Team: Lexington (KY) Fire Department
Hybrid FD Showdown: All Male: Rafal Bereza, Adam Spychala, and Dawid Hyzyk: Team: Fire Athlets by ELTEN Poland
Hybrid FD Showdown: All Female: May Tommervold, Vera Licha, and Anna Moeller: Team: Firefight(h)hers
Tandem Team Category Results
Tandem Team: Under Age 40 Male: Patrik Štefelin and Rafal Bereza: Team: International Brothers
Tandem Team: Under Age 40 Female Sarah McGill and Ana Ruzevic: Team: Cherry Chapstick
Tandem Team: Under Age 40 Coed: Jonathan Betts and Misha Maric: Team: Timbits
Tandem Team: Age 40-44 Male: Aleksandr Baran and Mackenzie Briggs: Team: F•R•I•E•N•D•S The one with over 40yr olds
Tandem Team: Age 45-49 Male: Shane Farmer and Todd Krukow: Team: Iowa Born
Tandem Team: Age 40-49 Female: Jodi Purdie and Luiza Freitas Velho: Team: Kiwi Brazilian
Tandem Team: Age 40-49 Coed: Sebastjan Vovko and May Tommervold: Team: The Valkyrie and the Wolf
Tandem Team: Age 50-54 Male: Tom Clasen and George Bridges: Team: Waukegan over 50
Tandem Team: Age 55-59 Male: Dean Morrow and Mike Cascioli: Team: Cash and Deano
Tandem Team: Age 60-64 Male: Jimmy Johnson and Steve Kotch: Team: ATX-Camp Robinson
Tandem Team: Age 65-59 Male: Stephen Mcaleer and Tom Reid: Team: Old Men Rock
Relay Team Category Results
FD Relay Team: Under Age 40 Male: Romualdas Vilimas, Andrius Ašmontas, Lukas Leonavičius, Rokas Lindenis, and Jaroslav Višnevski: Team: Strongest Lithuanian Firefighters
Hybrid Relay Team: Under Age 40 Male: Brian Riebe, Andrew Cook, Jake Lanier, Kevin Reilly, and Luke Stewart: Team: Southeast Lions
FD Relay Team: Under Age 40 Coed: Maria Fernandez, Kayla Gammie, Kevin Reilly, Brian Riebe, and Carlos Torres: Team: St Lucie County (FL) Fire District: Team Black
Hybrid Relay Team: Under Age 40 Coed: Anthony Storey, Rafal Bereza, Dawid Rabczyk, Marie-C. Schumann, and Beata Swiderska: Team: International Fire Friends
FD Relay Team: Under Age 40 Female: Sarah McGill, Chelsie Brown, Macy Hensley, Erin Lucas, and Michelle Spanyer: Team: Lexington Fire Sponsored by Servpro
Hybrid Relay Team: Under Age 40 Female: Anna Möller, Vera Licha, Marie-C. Schumann, Beata Swiderska, and May Tommervold: Team: European FirefightHers
Hybrid Relay Team: Age 40-49 Male: Aaron Piering, Mackenzie Briggs, Justin Baker, and Aleksandr Baran: Team: Trouble Maker
Hybrid Relay Team: Age 40-49 Coed: Lindsey Ingram, David Bowman, Cheri Ardoin, Carl Dickerson, and Shane Farmer: Team: Mixed Bag of Nuts
Hybrid Relay Team: Age 50-59 Male: Dean Morrow, Mike Cascioli, Stephane Deschenes, Brad Johnston, and Greg King: Team: Northern Immortals
Hybrid Relay Team: Age 60-69 Male: Jimmy Johnson, Steve Baker, Alan Ertzner, Steve Kotch, and Kalan Randy: Team: A Few Good Men